Party building work

The Party branch of Radiology Department of Guanghua District carried out the theme Party Day activities of "I do practical things for the masses - Care for left-behind children" Party building and group building


In order to expand the achievements of party history learning and education, on June 15, the Party branch of Radiology Department carried out the theme Party Day activities of "I do practical things for the masses - Care for left-behind children" in two remote rural primary schools in Xuanwei City Lefeng Township and Qianjiwan Elementary School, which is also the fourth consecutive year for the branch to carry out such public welfare activities。


Party members, league members and the public actively participated in this activity。The activities revolve around physiological science lectures, a variety of hand-made classes and well-designed outdoor parks, which stimulate children's curiosity and thirst for knowledge in a way that combines education with fun, not only enrichis children's knowledge base, but also sows the seeds of self-esteem, self-love, self-reliance and self-improvement in their hearts。


The Party branch also signed an agreement with the Party branch of Lefeng Village Committee of Xuanwei City on mutual assistance and co-construction of Party organization and party construction,In the future work, the branch will strengthen cooperation with the Party branch of Lefeng Village Committee in caring for left-behind children, health knowledge popularization and free diagnosis,Make due contributions to education and health in Lefeng Township,Boost rural revitalization。


By Gao Jin, Party Branch of Radiology Department, Guanghua District

Original title:

General branch work dynamics

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